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Information for Prospective Retirees

Retirement Seminars sponsored by University Human Resources are designed for employees contemplating retirement within the next six months. You will receive an overview of benefits and services available to you upon retirement and steps to follow to help make a smooth transition from active employment to retirement. Online registration is available. Select the "Employee Benefit & Work Life Programs" option upon login.

Do You Want to Return To Work at Rutgers?

The State of New Jersey has strict regulations regarding employees returning to work after retirement from Rutgers University, or any other State agency. Please carefully read the following documents before considering returning to work at Rutgers in any capacity:

Please be advised that in order to complete the hiring of a prospective retiree from a State of New Jersey pension system, University Human Resources (UHR) is requiring that hiring departments complete the Notice and Disclaimer Regarding Post-Retirement Employment for Individuals Covered by the State Administered Retirement System which can be found below. In conjunction with the individual retiree, please complete sections D and E of the form, detailing information on both the position from which the individual has retired and the position for which the hiring department has offered. The hiring of the retiree cannot be finalized in University Human Resources until the requested forms are received and reviewed.

Additionally, the Notification of Employment After Retirement form issued by the NJ Division of Pensions & Benefits must also be completed and returned to UHR, up through question 14, for any retiree collecting a PERS, PFRS, or TPAF pension.

ABP Retirement

PERS Retirement

State Retired Health Benefit Applications

All retirees MUST submit applications online using Benefitsolver. Navigate to mynjbenfitshub, or you may log in through myNewJersey.

Retiree Health Benefits

Genera Medical Information
Retiree Dental
Fact Sheets