Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA)
Alternate Benefits Program Additional Contributions
Members of the Alternate Benefit Program may voluntarily tax shelter a portion of salary from federal income taxes while saving for retirement.
Additional Contributions Tax-Sheltered Programs (ACTS)
Members of the Public Employees' Retirement System and Police and Firemen's Retirement System may voluntarily tax shelter a portion of salary from federal income taxes while saving for retirement.
Supplemental Annuity Collective Trust (SACT)
Members of the Public Employees' Retirement System and Police and Firemen's Retirement System may voluntarily tax shelter a portion of salary from federal income taxes while saving for retirement.
NJ State Employees' Deferred Compensation Plan
To enroll in the NJSEDCP, you must be employed by Rutgers University or the State of New Jersey or an eligible agency, authority, commission, or instrumentality of state government.
Tax$ave Plans
Tax$ave is the state's tax savings program provided under the provisions of section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax$ave can provide you with an opportunity to increase your available income by reducing your federal tax liability.
Commuter Tax$ave
The State of New Jersey Commuter Tax Savings Program (Commuter Tax$ave) is a program available under code 132(f) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code. The plan allows you to set aside pretax dollars for eligible mass transit and commuter parking expenses.