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Temporary Staffing Agencies

Rutgers has contracted several temporary staffing agencies to assist departments with procuring contingent workers for their temporary staffing needs. The permissible reasons to obtain contingent workers are to maintain coverage during a temporary leave of absence or vacation, to address needs created by a vacant regularly appointed position during active recruitment efforts, and to assist with a temporary increase in workload. These temporary circumstances must not delay or in any way hinder filling vacant regularly appointed positions and contingent worker assignments may not exceed one year.

The newest—and expanded—list of contracted suppliers and the associated new policy and process broadens the pool of immediately available candidates for temporary assignments, standardizes practices at the university, leverages systemwide cost savings, and provides more options and flexibility to hiring units. The list is available on the University Procurement Services dedicated page for Temporary Staffing. General guidelines for the use of temporary staffing services include the following:

General Guidelines for Using the Temporary Staffing Services
  • At the time of the request, departments inform suppliers if the position requires a healthcare background check. All positions in RBHS or other Related Healthcare Entities require a healthcare background check. A department is in a Related Healthcare Entity if the school, unit, or department bills federal or State programs for healthcare-related goods or services.
  • Departments with temporary staffing needs must use one of the preferred contracted suppliers.
  • Departments may request temporary staffing by requesting candidates from all agencies simultaneously or selecting a specific agency or agencies with which they would like to engage for a candidate search. Once you have finalized your search, you will be required to process a requisition to obtain a purchase order for the contracted supplier.
  • Any agency fees associated with converting a contingent worker to a Rutgers employee will be charged to the hiring department.

Please refer to University Policy 60.1.37, Use of External Contingent Workers Contracted through Temporary Labor Suppliers, for compliance requirements. A Temporary Staffing / Contingent Worker Request Form approved by your Temporary Staffing Approver is required for all requests and will be attached to all requisitions in RU Marketplace to create new POs and to modify POs e.g. adding funds, etc. To identify your Temporary Staffing Approver, contact your department's Business Manager. For more information, please view the FAQs listed below.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of using a temporary agency?

Temporary staffing agencies have an established network of candidates and employees. Recruiting is the business’s primary core competency, so they are able to identify additional candidates to meet the temporary needs of our departments promptly. Agencies recruit and hire or retain contingent workers capable and available to perform the work, and departments are able to interview and select candidates for placement on assignment. Agencies perform the pre-employment screenings and are responsible for any applicable payroll, taxes, unemployment, workers’ compensation insurance, benefits, and other personnel matters.

Who are the contracted suppliers?

The most current list of contracted suppliers is available on the University Procurement Services dedicated page for Temporary Staffing.

How do I request a contingent worker?

Departments will be able to request candidates from all contracted suppliers simultaneously or select a specific contracted supplier or suppliers with which they would like to engage for a candidate search. Once your department has engaged supplier(s) and selected a candidate, the supplier will provide a Statement of Work (SOW) referencing the Rutgers agreement with at least the following information: (i) the work assignment; (ii) name of the candidate; (iii) bill rate; and (iv) term of the assignment. The department should then complete a requisition in RU Marketplace, via the Service Request form and attach the approved SOW.

Do we have to pay a fee if we want to make the contingent worker a Rutgers employee?

Conversion fees represent a percentage of the employee’s annual base salary that the department agrees to pay should you choose to hire that employee within a certain timeframe. In certain scenarios, a fee will not be owed.

What is the process to pay the contracted supplier for the contingent worker?

Rutgers requires an invoice per contracted supplier to be sent directly to Account Payable at with the required Purchase Order number clearly identified on the invoices. Undisputed invoices will be paid within 45 days of receipt of invoice to the contracted supplier.

Do the temporary agencies provide direct placement services?

Many suppliers will provide direct placement services.

Are contingent workers eligible for overtime?

Yes, however this is solely at the discretion and pre-approval of the department.

Does Rutgers require all contingent workers to be background checked?

Rutgers requires mandatory background checks on all contingent workers. The contracted supplier shall be financially responsible for the background checks. There will be no billing or charge to Rutgers University for fees associated with background checks.

It is the responsibility of the requesting department to inform the suppliers if the position requires a healthcare background check. All positions in RBHS or other Related Healthcare Entities require a healthcare background check. A department is in a Related Healthcare Entity if the school, unit, or department bills federal or State programs for healthcare-related goods or services.

Does the supplier offer any kind of skills training or skills testing?

The supplier shall provide adequate testing and training of its current and prospective employees or contractors in order to ensure skill levels are met for any specific job qualification(s) before referral or placement at any Rutgers work locations.

Is there a maximum time limit for contingent worker assignments?

Yes, contingent worker assignments may not exceed one (1) year from their initial start date on their current assignment. Contingent workers currently on assignment for more than one (1) year may not be extended. Contingent workers who were on assignment for a one (1) year period must have a break in service of at least six (6) months prior to resuming any contingent worker services for the University. 

If we are dissatisfied with a contingent worker's performance, what are the remedies?

The agency shall remove contingent workers unsatisfactory to Rutgers University immediately upon notification. When a situation has not worked out, a department may choose not to replace the contingent worker or request a replacement. Rutgers University may also choose to replace the contingent worker with a candidate from other approved suppliers if necessary. Please contact the temporary agency regarding their billing policy for unsatisfactory contingent workers.

Can the contingent worker have access to information systems?

Access to information systems within Rutgers University is given at the discretion of the department procuring the contingent worker.

How does my contingent worker get a NetID, email access, and an ID card?

The department can sponsor the employee as a guest and submit requests for guest NetIDs through the Guest Request System. Information for obtaining a guest ID card is available in the Guest ID Card Process Guide.

Can I interview candidates prior to placement in my department?

Yes. It is recommended that departments interview all candidates prior to selecting a contingent worker for placement on the assignment.

The contracted suppliers cannot assist my department in finding a candidate with the skill set we need. What should I do?

Departments which have exhausted all approved avenues for temporary staffing may request an exception from the established process by sending an email, detailing the staffing needs and steps taken to fill the need through the approved suppliers, to Clayton Cole, Talent Acquisition Manager.

Class 3 and Class 4 Temporary Staff

The availability of temporary staffing services does not impact a department’s ability to employ Class 3 or Class 4 temporary staff. Departments can continue to work with University Human Resources (UHR) and our talent acquisition staff in the recruitment of Class 3 and Class 4 employees through the Recruitment, Onboarding and Classification system (ROCS). The contracted temporary staffing agencies are intended to supplement the staffing needs of the university community.